«Does the football really matter?»

a càrrec de Tim Myers, Senior Researcher at the CRM.

Data: Dijous 14 d’abril de 2011 a les 18.30 h
Lloc: Sala Prat de la Riba de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Carrer del Carme, 47)
Organitza: Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques i Centre de Recerca Matemàtica


In professional football the home team provides the ball. The choice is restricted due to FIFA regulations and the teams sponsor. However there is still some degree of freedom. In this talk we will discuss the motion of a football through the air and show that it can have very different behaviour depending on the altitude of the pitch. In particular we focus on the effect of the spin and how this causes the ball to swerve.

Conferències SCM – CRM de Matemàtiques i Ciència
