

The Barcelona Dynamical Systems Prize 2015 is an international prize offered by the Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, under the patronage of Prof. Carles Simó, to the author or authors of a paper or research work in the area of Dynamical Systems, having  been published or accepted for publication between May 1, 2013 and April 30, 2015. The paper or work must be written in English.

Both discrete and continuous dynamical systems will be considered,  whether finite or infinite-dimensional. The following aspects will be  evaluated:

  • global rather than particular description of dynamics
  • new theoretical approaches
  • new methodologies and computational aspects, both numerical and symbolic
  • relevant applications to any domain of Science or Technology

In order to assess the aforesaid features, any  previous work  of the author or authors may be considered, if so requested in the submission letter and subject to the criterion of the Jury.

Submission letters must  be sent by electronic mail to, not later than May 30, 2015,  including the paper under consideration in electronic form together with any previous work, if it is the case. Candidacies can be presented by the authors themselves or by any natural or legal person or entity.  In the latter case they must declare that they have the consent of the authors.

A Jury of five researchers in the area or neighbouring areas will be appointed by the SCM,  and its composition will not be made public until after the resolution has been passed.

The amount of the prize is 4000€, subject to local withholding tax. The prize may not be awarded. Participation or presentation of candidates implies the acceptance of the present regulations.


Scientific Manager of the prize and Secretary of the Jury (without vote): Prof. Amadeu Delshams
